Our Team

  • Alison Taylor, PhD - Prinicipal Investigator

    Email: at3488[@]cumc.columbia.edu

    Twitter: @alisontaylorlab

    Alison is an Assistant Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology in the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center.

    Faculty Webpage

  • Joan Castellano Perez, PhD - Postdoctoral Fellow

    Email: jc5577[@]cumc.columbia.edu

    Joan’s research focuses on how aneuploidy affects differentiation in lung cells.

  • Samyukta Mallick - PhD Candidate, Integrated Program

    Email: sm4922[@]cumc.columbia.edu

    Samyukta is interested in squamous cancers, including the interaction between HPV and aneuploidy.

  • Nadja Zhakula-Kostadinova - PhD Candidate, Genetics & Development Program

    Email: nz2332[@]cumc.columbia.edu

    Nadja studies how cells respond to aneuploidy-induced changes in metabolism and replication stress.

  • Joanna Kopko - PhD Candidate, Pathobiology Program

    Email: jnk2143[@]cumc.columbia.edu

    Joanna’s research project looks at how individual gene dosage plays a role in aneuploidy phenotypes, and how genetic ancestry correlates with specific aneuploidy events.

  • Karissa Shuck - PhD Student, Integrated Program

    Email: kls2250[@]cumc.columbia.edu

    Karissa is investigating consequences of chromosome aneuploidies in DNA replication and differentiation.

  • Laura Rodriguez-Bonilla - PhD Student, Integrated Program

    Email: lr3178[@]cumc.columbia.edu

  • Chloe A. Paolucci - Research Technician

    Email: cap2261[@]cumc.columbia.edu

    Chloe investigates changes to apoptosis signaling in cells with 8p deletion.

  • Amber Arif -Research Technician

    Email: aa5141[@]cumc.columbia.edu

    Amber is exploring aneuploidy-induced vulnerabilities in unique pathways.

  • Sai Ramani Choudari - Undegraduate Student, Barnard College

    Email: sc5148[@]cumc.columbia.edu

    Sai is working with Samyukta focusing on the interaction between HPV and aneuploidy.

  • Madeline Raquel Saavedra Bagdonas - Undergraduate Student, Barnard College

    Email: mrs2344[@]barnard.edu

    Maddie works with Joan studying the effects of aneuploidy on lung cell differentiation.

  • Gayatri Bulsara - Undergraduate Student, Barnard College

    Email: gb2861[@]barnard.edu

Taylor Lab Alumni

Sejal Jain, MD - USF Medical Student 2020-2024, now resident at Seattle Children's Hospital

Andrew Petti - undergraduate student 2020-2022, research technician 2022-2023, now MD/PhD student @ UMass Chen Medical School

Yohanna Georgis - research technician 2020-2022, now Project Owner @ S&P Global

Laura Byron - research technician 2020-2022, now PhD student at Rutgers University

Nikhita Damaraju - masters student 2021-2022, now PhD student at the University of Washington

Undergraduate Alumni

Sara Chough

Matthew Wahl

Alexandria Yao

Amit Regev

Valeria Cossich Galicia